"A Beauty Refresher" is a portal into some of the work of dear artist friends. In a broken world, beauty hints of Heaven and the hope of what can be. You can link to their websites or social media accounts to see more of their work.
He has made everything beautiful in its time . . . . he has put eternity into man's heart. Ecclesiastes 3
Are you trying to find ways to smile this year? Follow Here a Chick, There a Chick on Instagram. Kerry Leasure is an Alabama artist creating mixed media jewelry from antiques, found objects, and a healthy sense of humor. Through whimsy, creativity and pure fun, she helps me regain perspective and some spunk for these days. After months of wandering around in yoga pants with no makeup or jewelry (not a pretty picture), her work makes me realize it's time to accessorize my "casual wear" with more than just a mask! Check out her work here.
In these harsh days, I've appreciated the gentle, simple art and words of Charlie Mackesy. It rings true and gives rest. Check out his instagram